Department of Electrical Engineering
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Item Analysis, design and control of renewable energy based autonomous distributed generating systems(1900) Goel, Puneet Kumar; Murthy, S. S.Item Multirate sensor array processing(1900) Dhuli, Ravindra; Lall, BrejeshItem Analysis, design and control of power factor correction converters fed permanent magnet brushless DC motor drives(1900) Singh, Sanjeev; Singh, BhimItem Fast and knowledge based SVM algorithams with applications/by M. Arun Kumar(1900) Arun Kumar, M.; Gopal. M.Item Application of tunnel diodes to power system protection(IIT Delhi, 1967-11-01) Paithankar, Y.G.Item Planar antennas with linearly polarized aperture fields(1969) Kak, Avinash Chandra; Indiresan, P.V.Item Functional-analysis approach to the optimal control of distributed-parameter systems(1969) Singh, Ram Nandan Prasad; Rajamani, V.S.Item Optical control of stochastic dynamical systems(1970) Rajarao, Bandaru Venkata; Mahalanabis, A.KItem Some investigations in speech analysis synthesis schemes and the development of a formant vocoder for vowel sounds(1970) Baskaran, P.; Indiresan, P.V.Item Studies in signal theory(1970) Kak, Subhash Chandra; Indiresan, P.V.Item On optimum synthesis of aperiodic binary sequences by interative methods(IIT Delhi, 1970) Uttaradhi, Gulshan KumarItem Active RC realizations of driving point functions using operational amplifiers(1972) Nagarajan, V; Roy, S.C. DuttaItem Generation of optimal sequences(1972) Uttaradhi, G.K; Indiresan, P.VItem Non-local variational theory and application to optimal control(1972) Bhatkar, Vijay P; Rajamani, V.SItem On stochastic optimal estimation for distributed parameters systems(1972) Atre, S.R; Lamba, S.SItem Single phase operation of three phase induction motors(IIT Delhi, 1972) Jha, R.SItem State augmentation approach to smoothing problems(1973) Biswas, K.K; Mahalanabis, A.KItem Silicon strain gauge transducer instrumentation for industrial, medical, engineering and scientific applications(1973) Singh, Ved Ram; Parshad, RamItem Characteristics of atmospheric noise in the evening transition period(1973) Agarwala, R.A.; Joglekar, P.J.Item On estimation of markov processes corrupted by white gaussian noise(1973) Paulraj, Arogyaswami Joseph; Indiresan, P.V