Center for Rural Development and Technology
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Item Integrated energy system for small farms(1900) Dahiya, Anand Kumar; Maheshwari, R.C.Item Thermal modelling of typical solar collectors(1982) Singh, Dilawar; Sodha, M.S.Item Integrated approach to biomass utilisation: studies on Saccharum Munja roxb(1984) Gujral, Gurbinder Singh; Vasudevan, PadmaItem Integrated approach to biomass utilisation: studies on Saccharum Munja roxb(IIT Delhi, 1984-10-01) Gujral, Gurbinder SinghItem Utilization of agroresidues through cultivation of mushroom pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) singer(IIT Delhi, 1984-10-01) Bisaria, RaginiItem Preservation of horticultural produce and process waste recycling(IIT Delhi, 1985-02-01) Guleria, S.P.S.Item Recycling of organic wastesthrough earthworms for crop growth(IIT Delhi, 1986-09-01) Sharma, NeetaItem Sericulture for rural development studies on mulberry, tasar and eri(1987) Saluja, Neeru; Madan, MItem Role of biomass in rural development a micro level study(1987) T Sampath Kumar; Vasudevan, PadmaItem To develop methodology of appropriate technological inputs to generate employment in a tribal region(1987) Sharma, Mahesh; Prasad, RajendraItem Studies on ricinus communis linn and morus alba linn - An integrated approach to biomass utilization(1987) Sharma, Satyawati; Vasudevan, PadmaItem Studies on Production and Utilization of Charcoal for Rural Applications(1987) Prabhakar, Kasalanati; Vimal, O.P.Item Integrated approach to the utilization of biomass: studies on bougainvillea spp. and calotropis procera (Ait) R.Br.(1987) Giridhar, Godugunur; Maheshwari, R.C.; Vasudevan, PadmaItem Design of foodgrain storage system for rural areas(1988) Arora, Balbir Kumar; Vasudevan, P.Item Biomass from underexploited plants studies on adhatoda vasica NEES & Ipomoea fistulosa mart ex choicy(1988) Singh, Arvind; Madan, MiraItem Biogas technology for energy and fertilizer management in agriculture(1989) Sharma, Jagdish Prasad; Bansal, N.K.Item A systems approach to integrated rural energy planning at micro-level for a tribal village in chhotanagpur(1989) Arora, Rajneesh; Satsangi, P.S.Item Contaminated water treatment by aquatic plants Azolla Pinnata R.Er and Lemma Minor L(1989) Jain, Satyender Kumar; Jha, N.K.Item Studies on liquid and supercritical fluid extraction of natural plant products(1989) Naik, Satya Narayan; Maheshwari, R.C.Item Paddy storage and processing systems under rural setting(1990) Gandhi, Naresh Kumar; Santosh